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History of Kabah-Masjid

Masjid al-Haram The Great Mosque of Makkah is one of the oldest mosques built in the history of Islam. It is called because the doors are open for all Muslims from all over the world, non-Muslims are not permitted to visit the mosque.

The place where Muslims from around the world go to pray, perform Umrah, and perform Hajj. By doing so, we are expressing unity within ourselves, so let's take a look at Masjid al-Haram's history in this blog.

It is said that when Prophet Adam (believed to have been the first human being on the earth and the first Prophet) and eve were first expelled from paradise they two were separated.

Where Eve has been landed in the city of Makkah and Prophet Adam (Alaihissalam) has been landed somewhere in the far east.

 After many years of searching for one another, Prophet Adam (Alaihissalam) finally managed to find the way down through the peninsula to Makkah.

And finally at the top of Mount Afrafa just outside the city of Makkah they both finally reunited.

Makkah is also significant because it is considered the first place on earth by god Almighty worshipped alone.

So at that very spot, Ibrahim (Alaihissalam) and his son Ismail (Alaihissalam) built the first house of worship for god, by the honour of this god Almighty had built in heaven a similar structure for the angles, and it said that every day 70 thousand angles come to that building to perform the prayer and they leave intending never to return again.

When Ibrahim (Alaihissalam) and his son finish building the sacred house, there was still one booth left that had to be put in that place and so Ibrahim sent his son Ismail to find one unique stone to put there.

But god Almighty does then that the final stone that was to be laid will not be from this world, but instead a stone was released from the heart of paradise.

Then Jibril (Alaihissalam) bought it down to Ibrahim (Alaihissalam) and proceed to put it in the proper palace where that has to be placed.

It is said that when the stone first came down it was pure white, due to the impurities of this world the stone slowly began to fade and eventually turned black.

As time passed the city began to develop people of Makkah started to worship one god alone.

This is despite the fact that the neighbours in Egypt and Mesopotamia and the Levant has been practising paganism (Paganism is a religious grouping in which more than one god is worshipped) for centuries.

But this resulted in the change by a merchant by the name of Amaru decided to conduct his business outside of Makkah.

Amaru then proceed on his journey through north words until he reached the lands of the Levant.

There Amaru would witness for the first time things like modern architecture and advanced literature and of course practice of paganism.

Amaru was so impressed that all he has seen, before leaving he asked the people if he would take one of the idols back with him.

The people agreed, so Amaru took the idol and placed it along with the other goods.

Then he returned towards the city of Makkah, when he reached home he immediately placed the idol right in front of the sacred house.

He then proceeds to tell the people that this was now going to be the god now that they worship.

Sadly this concept faced little if no resistance, as time passed the people began to worship more and more idols, and by the end of the 6th century 360 idols were surrounding the sacred house.

As years passed paganism became more prominent throughout the world, and the people who still practised came to know that the new Prophet was close to an end.

So I refuge the valid reasoning of interpretation of their holy text, Many had concluded that the Arabian peninsula was the most probable place that god will be his new Prophet.

At that time Roman Empire and Persian Empire had an imposing governments.

As time passed it appears more and more people began to move down to the Arabian peninsula to awaken the coming of a new Prophet.

In the year 570 A.D.,  Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) was born. In the Islamic faith, this was one of the earliest and most significant events that took place in the city.

Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) was born into a smaller subdivision of the Quraysh (The ruling tribe of Makkah at the time of the birth of Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) ).

Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) began to receive divine revelations from the Jibril (Alaihissalam) in a cave known as Hira, located just outside Mecca.

At this time, Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) was commanded to recite the Quran.

He began speaking out against the practices of paganism, a religious group that worships numerous gods.

Then Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) travelled from Makkah to Madina, now known as the city of Islam.

The world recognized him as a master negotiator and arbiter of disputes. As Muhammad became a successful caravan raider, Madina's people became more open to his message.

In parallel with the rapid growth of his wealth and military power, his religious following continued to grow. 

Several direct battles took place between Muslim forces from Madina and Makkan soldiers during Muhammad's raids on the Makkan caravans.

He eventually conquered Makkah and displaced its political leaders with a massive army.

When Muhammad conquered Mecca, he removed all of the idols from the Kaaba, dedicating it to the worship of Allah alone. 

The Kaaba commands daily prayers to be performed facing it, which is why Muslims worldwide face a specific direction while praying. 

Conflicts and natural disasters have caused the structure to be repaired and rebuilt since Muhammad's time. 

Currently, the Kaaba is made from polished black stone in the shape of a cube. It is located in the middle of a massive mosque called Masjid al-Haram. 

It is part of a ritual for Muslims to walk around the Kaaba seven times when they arrive in Makkah for their Hajj (pilgrimage).

It is believed that Makkah's history impacted the Quran, Islam's holy text. 

In Makkah, Prophet Muhammad's (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) religious writings from the first half of his life exhibit far more moderation, tolerance, and forgiveness. 

As a result of his successful bandit activities in Madina, Prophet Muhammad's (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) pronouncements in the Quran are noticeably more aggressive and militant.

Today, Makkah is a large, modern city whose population explodes during Hajj. Over 2 million people often arrive in Makkah for Hajj depending on the year.


Despite Makkah's relatively tiny native population, Saudi Arabia facilitates pilgrimage permits for religious tourists.

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Keywords: History of Kabah, Kabah, Masjid al-Haram
Date: 17/10/2022
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